WELCOME to North Quabbin's Catholic Education/Faith Formation program! We now prefer the term “Faith Formation” rather than “Religious Ed.”, because this more accurately speaks to our program goals. We are not merely trying to instill knowledge and facts and history of our Faith, although these are important. The larger goal is to help your child learn about and “FALL IN LOVE “ with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We hope for your precious young person(s) to make a personal, heartfelt choice to become a lifelong DISCIPLE of Jesus! Our Lord wants everyone to be HAPPY on earth and eternally with Him in Heaven. Following Jesus’ way of LOVE as true DISCIPLES will make the world a better place, and maximize love and happiness for EVERYONE!
When a Catholic couple marries, they promise to raise their children in our Catholic Faith as a sacred duty. Parents are the first and most important teachers of their children. Studies show that the greatest predictor of whether a child will continue to practice his/her faith as an adult is the faith commitment of the parents! So….assuming you want your children to have a strong faith, which will help them through the difficulties of life, and lead them to eternal life in Heaven, YOUR OWN practice of the faith is very IMPORTANT. You are giving a good example to your children, as well as growing in your own faith, by attending weekly Mass, going to Reconciliation, praying together, speaking about your faith at home, and if possible, volunteering for service in your community and/or parish.
Our Faith Formation program is meant to support parents in the Catholic education of their children. Therefore, we are very excited to announce that we will still have a Kindergarten class this year. We have a slight change to our schedule all classes will be on Sunday’s K-5 on Sunday mornings and grades 6-10 on Sunday evenings. I hope this will help parents out having only one day twice a month for all religious education classes.
Fr. Mateus Souza is new to our parish and is excited to have our children involved with the celebration of the Eucharist. We will be having the children on Sundays after class go to 11am Mass. We will also be having the older children attend mass regularly while being involved in a monthly children’s mass. So that means there is a lot of exciting things we have ahead of us this year. A few of the important dates we have coming up are Registration Nights on Tuesday August 17th and on the 31st 6-7pm. We will have registration forms and we will answer any questions you may have and will also have forms to sign up if you have a child making a sacrament this year.
We have many children making sacraments this year coming which is so exciting! There will be meetings to discuss dates and requirements. First Communion we will meet on Tuesday September 7th at 6:30pm and Confirmation we will meet on Sunday September 26th 6:30pm.
We are looking forward to a blessed and wonderful year ahead! CCD starts for everyone on September 12th Kindergarten-5th grades 9-10:45am grades 6th-10th @ 6-7:30pm
If you ever have any questions or concerns, you are always WELCOME to call at 978-249-7690 or stop by our office during our office hours. THANK YOU for the Faith foundation you have already given to your children, and may God bless you for continuing to educate your children in our treasured Catholic Faith!